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Unlimited Private Email IDs

Signup for products using dummy email ids
Emails from products are forwarded to your existing main email id
Maintain complete control over which emails to receive, which to block
Never worry about revealing your personal information. Ever again.
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Hidemyid dashboard with multiple temp email ids created

Why use HideMyID?

Generate unlimited private email ids - don't give away personal information

Companies sell your personal data. Don’t give it to them.

Wondering why your inbox looks like junk every 3 months? Most products you sign up for, sell your data. Without your consent.

Sign Up for games, rewards and discounts worry free.

Signing up on a spammy website? Don’t worry about your personal data ever again. We have got you covered.

Try new tech products without revealing personal information

Market Research or Product Testing. Create unlimited virtual email id aliases in a single click.

How does it work?

Setup your account in less than 60 seconds
Signup on hidemyID by using your main email id.
1. Signup on hidemyID
Signup with your main email address. This will receive all forwarded emails.
Create unlimited temp email ids in a single click.
2. Create a new email id alias
Let's say a website asks for your email address. Just make up an alias like
All emails received on the temp email id is forwarded to your main email id.
3. Receive forwarded emails
Any emails they send to it will be forwarded immediately to your main email address.

Our Testimonials

Hear from our happy users who have reclaimed their privacy
"I've always been cautious about sharing my email, but this service changed the game! It's seamless and secure. I can create unique identities for different purposes without compromising my personal information. It's like having a shield for my online presence."
"As a freelancer, privacy is vital. This service is a lifesaver! I can easily manage all my communications without worrying about spam or my real email getting out. It's user-friendly and a must-have for anyone serious about protecting their identity online."
‍"This service has become an integral part of my online security arsenal. Whether it's signing up for newsletters or using it for online shopping, having disposable email IDs has given me peace of mind. It's a game-changer in the battle for online privacy."
"I'm a digital nomad, and security on the go is crucial. This service allows me to stay connected without the fear of compromising my real identity. It's simple, effective, and a must-have for anyone working remotely."
I was skeptical at first, but now I can't imagine my online life without this service. It's not just about creating fake emails; it's about safeguarding my privacy. The simplicity of generating disposable identities with ease is truly impressive!
"As a student, juggling multiple online platforms is routine. This service simplifies everything—I can compartmentalize my online activities without the fear of data breaches. It's a must for any student navigating the web!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a temp email id or an email alias?

Companies sell your data for money. Once your data is out there, it is at risk of being spammed and hacked. To safeguard your privacy while using online products, create an email alias to avoid potential spam or security risks on your primary email address

What is the difference between a temp email and an email alias?

A temp or a disposable email creates a fake email id which can be used for a brief period of time (like 5-10 mins). However, if you wish to register for a product that you intend to use for a long period of time (Linkedin, Amazon, Netflix, etc.) you will need an email alias. An email alias will create a fake email id that will receive emails from the product on your behalf and forward to your main email id. Thus, your main email id will never be exposed to the product.

How many email aliases can I create using Hidemyid?

Currently, there is no paid plan and you can create as many email aliases as you want. 

Can I reply to emails forwarded to me via Hidemyid?

Yes, you can just reply directly to the emails received via HidemyID and the reply will be routed through our servers, removing any header information relating to your actual email address. You should ensure that the body of the mail does not contain any information that you do not want sent in the reply, i.e. any references to your real email address.

Does Hidemyid support virtual phone numbers as well?

Currently, we do not support virtual phone numbers but we are working on it. Expect it to be live by the end of March 2024.

Is Hidemyid available anywhere in the world?

Yes, users from anywhere in the world can use Hidemyid to create temp email ids and virtual identities.

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